The Definitive Online
Leadership Course

Presented by Michael Cheika Rugby Coach | Entrepreneur | Disruptor

About the Course

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vitae elit sit amet libero placerat congue in et urna. Aliquam convallis porttitor maximus. Morbi eget viverra urna. Ut et diam et leo blandit aliquet a sed nulla. Sed at tempor lorem. Mauris quis ornare lacus. Sed quis ullamcorper turpis, et vestibulum lacus. Quisque porttitor est non felis sagittis, ut suscipit nunc posuere. In aliquam urna vel urna condimentum, ut congue nunc porta. Phasellus eu pulvinar risus, sed aliquam elit.

Learn at your own pace

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Video Leassons

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Downloadable Guide

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Lesson Plan


What is Purlpe Leader and how to activate your inner leader


The path of leadership

The making of a leadership

Winner supper rugby

Taking the warataha all the way to the Top

We Never Take a backward step

Building a team culture on the Wallabies

World cup final 2015

The rout to the summit of Rugby,Union


Pulling victory out of the jaws of defeat

Managing the anaging the stars in your team

Start a win games,but a team is not a group of stars

Scandal .part 1

When outside forces take away from the leader's control

Scandal . part 2

When outside forces take away from the leader's control

Lenister rugby

Turn around and stay ahead

Symbols and stmbolism

Telling stories withouts saying a word


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus fringilla, eros sit amet vehicula eleifend, lacus dolor interdum dolor, et vehicula dolor urna non lectus. Integer feugiat massa sit amet posuere consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus fringilla, eros sit amet vehicula eleifend, lacus dolor interdum dolor, et vehicula dolor urna non lectus. Integer feugiat massa sit amet posuere consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus fringilla, eros sit amet vehicula eleifend, lacus dolor interdum dolor, et vehicula dolor urna non lectus. Integer feugiat massa sit amet posuere consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus fringilla, eros sit amet vehicula eleifend, lacus dolor interdum dolor, et vehicula dolor urna non lectus. Integer feugiat massa sit amet posuere consequat.